Please note: ij-solutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt) is named ij-solutions in the following.

This data security and privacy policy describes what data ij-solutions collects and how ij-solutions treats your personal data.

If you download and install an ij-solutions app from the marketplace, which is not free of charge, Atlassian provides ij-solutions with contact details of your technical contact including name, surname, email address and company name.

ij-solutions may use the email address to ask about experiences with apps, ask for feature suggestions or inform about new developments. 

You can cancel this subscription at any time by writing an email to

ij-solutions doesn’t collect any data from apps installed on your instances.

ij-solutions collects and stores any data and information sent by email as well as the answers to those emails. This also applies to emails to ij-solutions support and information provided in ij-solutions service management.

ij-solutions will neither sell nor share your data with any third parties unless explicitly permitted by applicable law.

If you disagree with this policy do not use ij-solutions apps and don’t communicate with ij-solutions via email or service management.

If you have concerns or questions regarding this policy feel free to contact ij-solutions via email at